When JEUDI was birthed in the as filthy as infamous red light district of Hamburg, Germany in a dark underground techno dungeon there was just one nebulous idea of creating something out of the Thursdays club night where we all hung out every week. Bohemians, designers, music lovers, dancers, producers and DJs living in the now with no thoughts about tomorrow.
So with the first piece of music Doctor Dru, Davidé & Take it Easy started the DIY mission to keeping the vibe alive. Why releasing our ideas on other platforms if we can build our own family? The love for deep, warm, techish house music brought us together and from there we grew with no clue where this will all lead in the end. In the meantime JEUDI has grown to a party, design and music collective with a strong management backbone. Lessons were learned and new members were invited to the family. The bonds tightened and the vision of JEUDI became clearer and clearer: We realized with open minds, positive vibes and trust in yourself everything defines itself. People are coming to you and the people who are feeling the same vibe will stay.